Hi all,
I know we have roadsplat, but that is not like crossy road. That's more like the curb game, in fact it was what inspired it in the first place.Now, I think we'll need a different name as I don't know ifw e'll be aloud to use crossy road itself due to copyright. But that can come later down the line.I don't know exactly how crossy road works, but I do know that you don't go back and fourth across the road. There's cars, and sometimes even trains. I don't really know how you know if it's a safe square or a road square, as someone hasn't described it to me fully. I'm guessing each road is a few steps, then there's a curb and the next road. If you cross the road then suddenly there's a car, you can sometimes try going backwards but only if you are a step away from the previous curb, because if you go too far across the road then go back, you'll automatically die by getting eaten by a bird!
But the thing I really like is, in the game you can get new characters. SOmetimes, these new characters add or change stuff. For instance, pac-man is unlockable and it adds power pills and things you can collect, and you can eat ghosts and of course he makes pac-man sounds. So imagine a moddable game that lets you add characters and worlds. I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in trying to code such a game. I do not have any programming experience.
Please help
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
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