( the tall white figure is my OC Symbol )
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Fun and Games
Rules: Do not harass or bully others Do not post anything off topic
Those are my rules. Let’s start!
I am the Clan leader of Burninators, I Promote my Members to Elder, anywhere from 1 hr to whenever the game wants the Player is back to Member status and no longer an Elder, I happens all the time...what is happening, I put a ticket in and they ask me to restate the problem I stated it the exact same way I did here then they Closed the ticket...It's still happening today...I've given up on your support staff, since they gave up on my problem...sure would like to promote someone and have it stick...thanks for letting me vent...also could you guys possibly fix Chat so it works all the time everyone in my clan is tired of typing something and watching it disappear and have to log out of the game and then back in again to chat...
Please help
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
Creative Video Branding Agency
Thank you
Every time I open the game, I always have to search the clan name I joined in the clan list, only to see I am still there. This is very annoying, because I am in a clan, though the game shows me I am not and when I search my clan, it shows I'm in. Also, every time I win more trophies, the game keeps displaying the same amount of trophies I had a week ago and not the amount I currently have.
Please help
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
Product Video Production Studio
Thank you
A continuation of this thread, which was based off of this thread. Credit to The Fox Girl for creating the game, and TheBaldEagle for its continuation. Same rules apply, last one to reply on that thread was me. So, ban me for something.
Anybody can post a joke here! But if you don't know the answer, just ask, and the user who did the joke, PLEASE ANSWER! Not someone else. (Please like if you get it) I'll start: How do flowers travel?
Hi there, this is a board about funny stuff you can do with wikicode. I'll start: If you click/tap on this link you have a 1/39th chance to see one of the chickens.
It's Chicken Month! Who wants to talk about the Chicken and her pals?
Here isan exapl:
Squirrel: I've always wanted to collect nuts like you do!
Chicken: I be you get annoyed that you're used so much as a pun!
What you do is say out anything Crossy road character for example: Kookaburra then the person under has to say a Crossy road character that starts with the last letter of the word the first person said.
So I say: Kookaburra the person under says .. Archie then the person under the person that said Archie says Echidna so on so forth. But if someone says idk.. Dingo and the person under can't thing of s character beginning with O the person under could just say a random character.
I'll start:
Matt Hall
Try and spell a mascots name with your eyes closed and one finger.
- Close both your eyes before you start typing
- Use either your left or right pointer finger. No other fingers are eligible.
- The mascots name must have five or more letters.
- Make sure you have auto correct off.
I will begin:
Scruffily sof
(Scruffy Dog)
- Do not post anything that is not related with the game, please.
- Make sure you follow my example.
- Don't use something that has been used within 5 turns, cant describe this one very well, (See Example for More)
- Try not to use the internet for help, If you do the game becomes less fun, so don't.
- If there is nothing you can think of think of that is related to the theme then say Theme Swap! to (Theme Name Here) Ex: Theme Swap to Food.
- Have fun :)
Chicken: Hipster Whale
Mallard: Epoch
Chicken: Hmm, I can't use Hipster Whale until 5 more goes have passed... Hot Shot.
Mallard: Tree Frog...
Hope the example made sense to you!
Current Theme: Crossy Road Mascots and Obstacles
I will start, Ghost.
A continuation of this thread. Same rules apply, last one to reply on that thread was me. So, ban me for something.
Ok, so on the pvz wiki, there is a five nights at plants vs zombies wiki, so I thought, why not put it on this wiki? Ok, first, someone should post a map. I don't have an idea for one. Anyway, here are the admins.
Random Guy
He starts in the general discussion board, and basically just disables cameras.
He starts in the mascot room, and calls hipstah sum
Hipstah Sum
Basically foxy. Starts in ideas and suggestions room.
Below, please post A) 5 more admins just to get it going and B) a map of this place.
"Ban the User Above You" is a chatroom game, also very popular on the Warriorcatclansrp wiki forums. Here's how you play: You must ban the user above you for some reason involving:
1. Their avatar
2. Their post
3. Something involving them
Dont just say "banned because i want to." Please give a good reason, because its the only way this game will be fun.
I will start:
Banned because the user above doesn't exist.
Simple Game.
Guess the Object.
I stand on hind legs and I'm a turtle.
Ninja Turtles!
and so on...
I am unlucky and I'm a cat.
A game carried on from the Clash Of Clans Wiki Forum.
Rule 1: Nuff said.
Winner of Game #1: Awating.It could be you!
End of Hall.
Rule 2: No credit to the last post if it is considered spam, or if you only posted once in a long time.
Examples of spam:
- 1 word or letter.
- Non-stop posting.
If you do spam during the game, you are not out. You may keep compeiting for Last Post.
Rule 3: The winner is the 350th last non-spammed post.
How to play: You say a sentance like this: (words needed are bolded) Why did the Chicken cross the road?
and then the next person answers it! To get to the other side!
Ok, i'll start. Why did the robot repair the wiki?
This is a continuation of this: http://crossyroad.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:2893. Same rules apply. However, to CustomEpicness's request, you can only post once per user every 24 hours. No spamming please.
So, without thurther ado, let's get the ball rolling!
Edit: You can only post after someone else has posted