Just a Roleplay I hope to turn into an EPIC FAN SAGA! Now here are the rules...
RULES (duh)
1. No Mary Sues, Gary Stus, NOTHING LIKE THAT!
2. No OP characters.
3. Anyone can edit.
4. Keep it rated G.
5. Romance IS allowed, just follow rule 4.
6. If you read these rules, say "POTATOES RULE" in the comments.
7. Absolutley. No. TROLLING!
8. Gotta ask the creator if you want a character to die.
Something is amist...There's only one character who can truly defeat him...The one...Of...GraaccsfdabgfhdfzbsbdshfdfbxdshgsdhdcdfvnfddgsncdshcfbgdsfasdchvdvcghdvnscdgsvchndbvchnSVnhvsdhnvSVcvcfnvdsgcvghsdvcfGHSVcnhsvghcvzshgdvzmfvdmfvdzvfzhmvfdmhzsvfjhdzsvzmhzfjdmsjfvzsmhjfzjgjdbgdhzfbghdzbgfmzdsbf
- Static*