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Inter-Dimensional Chicken
Type Animal, Chicken, Special
Price Free for now
Characteristics Clucks when walking and dying, travels through the Crossyverse, feathers fly once dead
Category Special

The Inter-Dimensional Chicken is a playable mascot obtained during Part 2 of the 10th Birthday Update: Enter the Crossyverse.


The Inter-Dimensional Chicken has the same structure as the Chicken, Its entire body is a moving rainbow gradient besides its eyes that are black dots.


As a Mascot[]

During gameplay, the starting area is the normal Grasslands, when the player moves the Inter-Dimensional Chicken it will teleport/travel through different maps from other Collections, bordered by rainbow walls. The only enemy is the Eagle, who swoops up the character if they don't move forward for a while. When hit by an obstacle, white feathers will fly into the air from the Inter-Dimensional Chicken, It sometimes clucks when walking and will cluck when dying. When passing through a rainbow wall, a teleporting sound will play.

How to Obtain[]

The Inter-Dimensional Chicken is obtainable for free by playing the game during the 10th Birthday Update (currently ongoing).


  • The Inter-Dimensional Chicken is 1 of 31 other variants of the Chicken.



Original Cast ChickenMallardEmo GoosePoopy PigeonGiddy GoatBlack SheepCowMad BullBig Fat PigThoroughbredUnihorseCapybaraFloppy FishFleaMad WizardSpecimen 115Rusty RobotHipster WhalePiggy Bank
Amphibians NewtTree FrogSwamp FrogDesert FrogJungle Frog
Cats TigerBlueLaser CatLucky CatUnlucky CatTabby CatScaredy CatCat Lady
Dogs Scruffy DogMarmalade DogPew Die PugDogeWolfBest in Show
Slow but Fast Speedy SlothOctogenarianFast TortoiseSwift Snail
Wabbits Choc BunnyBrown BunnyGrey BunnyLovely BunnyEaster Bunny
Baby Animals Baby ChickenBaby BearBaby BunnyFawnBaby DuckFox CubBaby SealBaby HippoKittenIguana HatchlingPuppyTiny PonyHatchling
People Snow KingEquestrianCrazy Ol' BenCelebrityHot Shot#TheDressRockyTouristDragon RiderMichael BoomAndy SumBen WeatherallMatt HallAce
Spooky Scary MovieCandy CornThe Dark LordGrave DiggerGhostVampireFrankensteinZombieThe HandPumpkinSkeletonWitchMummyRedback SpiderWerewolfBride of CrossyDevil DadCatrinaSludge ThingClown
Sporty CheerleaderBallerSkipHurdlerCyclistRunnerFootball PlayerMarathon RunnerRugby Player
Arctic Slippy PenguinPuffinLost PenguinArctic HareArctic FoxLemmingNarwhalWolverineWalrusPenguinPolar BearIcebergSeal
Australian BilbyKangarooPlatypusEchidnaKookaburraWombatKoalaDingoCrossy ToadEmuCockatooCrabDrop Bear
New Zealand KiwiFluffy SheepNZ Rugby PlayerKeaFiordland PenguinMaui's DolphinLemon & PaeroaPavlova
Brazil Brazil ChickenFlag BearerCarnavalCapoeiraJaguarBlue MacawMarmosetPandeiroToucanManed WolfCoconut Water
UK & Ireland ButterflyBadgerFoxSquirrelRoyal GuardPiperBobbyChimney SweepFancy LadyFancy GentSchoolgirlFish N' ChipsPhone BoxNessieLeprechaun
China Fortune ChickenDragonXiCai ShenNew Year's DollFire MonkeyChinese Monster
Dinosaurs Dinosaur ChickenStegosaurusThesaurusParasaurolophusArchaeopteryxTyrannosaurus RexPalaeontologistTriceratopsDilophosaurusPachycephalosaurusUnexpected ShrewBones
Festive Festive ChickenLong TurkeySnowmanElfNoellePuddingReindeerTió de NadalBirthday KidGiftyYeti
Katamari Katamari ChickenThe Prince of All CosmosThe Princess of All CosmosThe Queen of All CosmosThe King of All Cosmos
Korea Seoul ChickenK-Drama ActorDaddyJindoKimchiSeonbiTaekwondo MasterKorean BBQKorean DrummerPro GamerPsy
Pac-Man Pac-ChickenPac-ManInkyBlinkyPinkyClyde
Party Birthday ChickenRubber ChickenPoopy Party PidgeonCupcakePiñataBig Fancy Pig
Savanna RhinoLionAfrican TermiteWarthogZebraMeerkatGazelleGiraffeCrocodileBee
Space Space ChickenAstronautAstronomerRoverSpace DogMoon CheeseRobot DogSpace WalkerMoon Rock
Ocean Scuba ChickenSeahorseNudibranchDiverSkeleton PirateNautilusOctopusStarfishOcean TurtleSea SpongeMerladyAngler FishBashy Beaver
Year of the Rat Door Gods (Android only) • The Three Deities (Android only) • Hot Pot • (Android only) • Wintersweet (Android only)
Piffle PiffleWafflesPineappleMarmaladePiffle Ball
At Home Home ChickenCat-in-a-BoxFrying PanSad PlantLaundrySlippersToasterToothbrushToilet Paper
Friends of Crossy LlamaForget-Me-NotEpochDisco ZooFramedBag It!IdaA CrowThe StorytellerTurnyAstronautRattles3.1Shooty CatHootyQw33goorppsGrablinThe TotemPurple BloopFlat EricAndroid Robot
Japan Matsuri ChickenKaratekaSamuraiRamenTanukiOnigiriUltra Fighterumo WrestlerNattoDaruma DollManeki Neko
Candy Choc ChickenAliceChocolatierJelly BearHansel and GretelSoda JerkTooth FairyGood WitchGingerbread ManToo Much CandyChoc Mallard
Cancelled/Removed SherlockArchieJugheadRandomMickey Mouse Costume Chicken
Unsorted Hipster ChickenNutcrackerCandy CanePresent